

  1. I also saw the vid about the chemical plant fire in China. Could all these fires be related to 5G or smart meters? I don’t fully understand this EMF issue but I wonder if millimeter waves from 5G have the ability to cause fires? I know the active denial technology uses millimeter waves to cause a heating of the skin.

  2. They released this statement an hour ago. So, some residents were ‘too’ concerned they said. Suppose they’re redefining the term ‘too’ for us now. Liars and monsters. I’m a ways away from the shelter in place, but I just got notification from my kid’s school district, PearlandISD, and they’re canceling outside, after school activities. These people are unreal.

  3. These plants are all protected by NFPA code 16 required chemical and foam systems. The fire alarm control systems should have knocked down any "fire" almost instantly. You can watch this video link to see a short one minute video on how fast a chemical and foam fire extinguisher will knock down an oil fire. Here is another link to show how one of these required systems looks installed on a large oil tank "Someone" would have had to override this required automated system for this to be happening!

  4. No problem on air quality…? FAKE NEWS… we are not that stupid…?
    But think about the Carbon Tax you will have to pay… it's all a game to get your labour, now come on , are you really going to give it toO THEM.

  5. Hi Carol great work as usual.. These plants are all protected by NFPA code 16 required chemical and foam systems. The fire alarm control systems should have knocked down any "fire" almost instantly. You can watch this video link ( ) to see a short one minute video on how fast a chemical and foam fire extinguisher will knock down an oil fire. Here is another link to show how one of these required systems looks installed on a large oil tank ( ). "Someone" would have had to override this required automated system for this to be happening!

  6. Remember the 80's Eddie Murphy Movie "Beverly Hills Cop" trilogy…he would always say what? when he wasn't to be trusted….he would always say "TRUST ME" and then he would give off his trade mark laugh😂😂😂😂. .we the audience would fall out laughing😂😂😂 b/c we knew he was lying😜 ARE (WE) WOKE Yet??????😢😢

  7. Thank heaven Exxon is monitoring the air quality! I'm sure they would report it if it became a problem. They're ethics are above reproach. Just look at how well they handled the Exxon Valdez accident. The people of Baytown have NOTHING to worry about.

  8. Excuse me but how stupid can you be to believe this report!!!! Deadly black smoke with chemicals…them foam to put it out with more chemicals????? Death soon to that area for sure! Cancer will rise!

  9. Nothing to see here. Everything's fine. Evacuate? Nah. You can trust your government. They would NEVER lie to us!
    Question: did common sense cease to exist? My bad. I'm sure there's a vaccine for that!!!😠😠😠

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