

  1. So the big boy's wana use your vid huh? Hell yes man!! 300, 400 bucks? It's a hell of a lot cheaper than what it would cost them to fly someone out to shoot their own vid. That's for damn sure! That would pay for the DVR so you can put 50 cam's on the Goat. Then you could shoot something for IMAX and really rake it in.

  2. Darn you, Tom! I was planning on doing some shots from the Nebraska side this weekend. Now you've scared me off. Well, probably not. I'll probably do it anyway. If I'm contacted by CNN (slim chance), we can compare notes!

  3. Cool, I make a few picture after a very hard rain a traffic tunnel flood in the water and the use my photo's in a local paper.

    Let CNN use thje video.

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